Sunday, November 25, 2012

Making Your Ebook Marketing Plan Successful

With an ebook, you should know that you can do a lot with them to make money simply and easily. And the whole entire business of selling ebooks are awesome. Even businesses like Sony and Amazon have jumped on the eBook selling business. Plus, there's even a "Nook" tablet that you can use to download ebooks and watch for free on the eBook reader application of the Nook.

The bottom line is that ebooks are taking off. I think that this is the future, and will be more so especially when people need to look for things that they can get an answer to immediately. Many people buy ebooks everyday, even though the economy is bad. So you should know that there is money to be spent on your eBook also.

It doesn't really take a lot of work to make your eBook successful. You will need lots of traffic, a good sales letter, and a good backend marketing plan to maximize the income that you make from your existing customers. Once you have all of these things set up, earning money with your ebooks can be a walk in the park.

If you're offering an eBook on your website and you aren't earning the money from it that you thought you would, then it's time to revamp your strategy and try something new. If you're not getting a lot of traffic to your website, then you should start here. Getting traffic is not a hard thing to do.

Depending on your product price, you should consider using paid advertising to promote your ebook. You can use pay per click services like Google AdWords or Microsoft Adcenter to start receiving more and more targeted hits to your website each and everyday.

Not only can you use paid advertising, but you can also use free marketing methods also. One of my favorite is forum marketing. On the right forum, you can stake your claim to fame, and really be perceived as an expert in your niche. You will want to join the forums that allow you to post your website information in the signature section of your posts.

If the forum doesn't allow forum signatures, don't join it, you'll be wasting your time... unless you just want to join to do some research and development on your niche. Other than that, I see no good reason to stay on a site that doesn't allow you to promote your website there.

Selling ebooks are awesome, and I know you want to have your slice of the eBook pie. But it will take some time to set up. But once it's up and running, you will find that it's a good investment that you made, and that you can earn money easily with the simple eBook that you created.

Start selling ebooks today and you will find that you've made a good decision. You can create one in Microsoft Word, then upload it to a site called "pdfonline", and have it turned into a PDF Adobe Acrobat file. And then, you will have your very own brand new eBook to promote.

Good luck with using these tips to earn money with ebooks today.

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What Is the Best Way to Sell My Ebook?

Ebooks are hot right now and I believe they will be for many years to come. The accessibility and convenience they afford are a good fit for our society. Writing ebooks is relatively simple. However, selling them is a bit more challenging. In this article I will provide a few ideas for selling ebooks.

Before I get into eBook selling methods, it's vitally important to recognize that the type of eBook will determine the marketing strategy. For example, ebooks that are designed to teach people how to do something (information products) are promoted differently that other eBook categories such as romance, science fiction, history, etc.

Information-based ebooks, those that provide instruction on how to do something, are best promoted with lots of content. For example, if you're in the dog training niche, great ways to advertise an eBook on dog training are by blogging, writing and submitting articles, videos and press releases and uploading these to sites with high traffic. Content is king when it comes to marketing information-based ebooks. This content should provide valuable information for readers about your niche. At the end of your content, mention your eBook and/or insert a link to your sales letter. Providing this free content online is important because it not only provides readers with good info, it also gives you credibility. You could also use social media to point to your articles, videos, etc.

Marketing other types of ebooks such as fictional works require a lot more creativity. Content based advertising doesn't usually work as well. I do think blogging would still work here, but the contents of the blog should be focused more on the life of the author. You could place link to your eBook in a visible area on your blog's homepage and mention your eBook when an appropriate opportunity arises. So, in essence, this blog should be more like a journal. If you post regularly, over time you would attract a large number of subscribers who would connect with your personality and purchase your ebook. These types of ebooks can also be promoted very effectively through social media. You should create accounts at several social networks and keep your pages updated regularly. Finally, invite your friends and family to subscribe to your blog and become your friends/fans on your social networks.

These are only suggestions and since there are so many eBook topics, you'll find that some advertising methods work better than others. Whatever you do to promote your ebook, please remember that consistency is the key. You cannot just create your ebook, slap up a sales letter and hope people stumble over it and buy. That's just not going to happen. You need to do something every day to promote your ebook.

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Tips For Selling Your Ebooks Online

Do you like the idea of selling ebooks online? Many people do, and it's the ideal lifestyle for a business online. Just imagine... no inventory to store, unlimited supply, instant downloading (no shipping anything off), and high profit margins. With all of these benefits, it's no wonder why people are jumping on the ebook train to make money online.

But you should know that selling ebooks online isn't a cake walk. You have to invest in advertising, do a lot of free advertising, and be willing to invest hours into marketing your ebook around the web. Now obviously if you have a large advertising budget, you can pretty much let your website run itself.

With paid advertising, you can get tons of qualified hits to your website, and hopefully get them to buy from you. But after you get the traffic to your site, it's your job to convert them into customers. There are many ways to do this, and depending on your price, you will want to test different approaches.

To create an ebook, it's very easy. You can write up a 50-page book in Microsoft Word, convert it into "PDF" format online (pdfonline), price it at around $7 to $19, and upload it to your website for sale. Now you will have to create a sales description page to promote your product, and this takes a bit of copywriting skills. But it's nothing you should be worried about. As long as you have a "swipe file", you're good to go.

Selling ebooks online can be a big money-maker. You can earn money on the frontend, and earn tons of cash on the backend sales that you get from your existing and recurring customers. This is where 80% of your total business profits will come from. So backend marketing is a big reason why you should sell ebooks of your own.

If you sell affiliate products from a site like Clickbank, you can earn money on the frontend, but if you don't get the customer name, how will you get sales from the customer on the backend? The only way around this (to my knowledge) is to sign up to one of those web hosting affiliate programs (for example), and earn money month after month - for the duration that the customer is enrolled in the web hosting services.

Affiliate marketing and selling affiliate products is a different story, but let me continue on with selling ebooks and digital products of your own. It's a great lifestyle. You can be out on the beach all while you make money online. You could be sleeping all while you make money with your product. You could take a vacation and just sit back and watch how your sales and profits increase automatically without your intervention.

It's an amazing business to enter into, but you will have to know a bit about internet marketing to make it successful. The phrase "Build it and they will come" is non-negotiable online. You have to drive people to your site everyday, and be proactive with your approach.

Take these tips and use them to earn money with selling your own ebook today. It's incredibly easy, and once you learn the ropes, you'll b earning money with your ebook in no time at all.

Good luck with selling your ebook online.

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Tips on Using Your Ebook Reader

Are you planning to invest or have recently invested in an eBook reader? If so, then these tips on how to take care of it and how to make the most out of it will definitely be useful for you.

1. Invest in a case, sleeve, or screen protector. Even if you are extremely careful or not, it will give you more peace of mind to have your ereader protected by a case, sleeve, or screen protector for when you put it in your bag or luggage. If you are prone to dropping things, you should look for a sturdy protector than can help reduce the impact of drops. A case or screen protector will probably set you back anywhere between $30 and $60, depending on what kind you choose, but we at Digital Limb guarantees that this relatively small investment will certainly go a long way.

2. Invest in cloud storage. Your eBook reader can store lots of ebooks depending on how much storage you opt for. Nevertheless, it still pays to have a backup copy of your library just in case. This backup will also come in handy when you upgrade to a new eBook reader. If you have an external disk that you use for storage, then that would do. But in this day and age, the best form of storage, especially for backup, is cloud storage, which stores your content online. This is not only more secure, but it allows you to access your content wherever you may be.

3. Take advantage of freebies. There are a lot of free and cheap ebooks on the market. To make the most out of your eBook reader, download free ebooks first before you buy, unless you are looking for a newly released title that will be difficult to get for free. Otherwise, you'll find that the free ebooks can pretty much fill up your time with lots of great reading materials.

4. Take advantage of free excerpts. Some publishers also offer free eBook excerpts. These allow you to test the book to see if it is to your liking, before you buy it. This is an advantage not possible when you buy a real book, and this will help keep you from buying a book and later finding out that it's not your type of reading material at all.

5. Get into eBook lending. Most eBook readers nowadays allow you to lend and borrow ebooks with other users. If you are not a Kindle user, you can use a program called Overdrive, which contracts libraries from other eBook reader users and facilitates lending. The Kindle, however, has its own digital lending system that allows you to share with other Kindle users such as friends and families.

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How Selling Ebooks Can Be Profitable For You

Are you in the business of selling ebooks online? If you are, then you will know that this is a very streamlined business to be in. There are many reasons to enter into this business, and many people are entering it each and everyday. But if you didn't know, beyond all the glitz and glamour of this business, it can be tough to make a living with it if you don't know what you're doing.

You will hear big claims from "gurus" online saying how much money you can make if you buy their course. But you will want to stay away from people like this. Typically they will sell you a high price course, and skimp on information. Then they will try to upsell you to an even higher priced course where they begin to reveal a "sample" of their effective strategies.

Because of situations like this, and many people getting burned by gurus in the process... new people selling ebooks think that they can put up the same kind of website and sales page as the gurus, and start doing and claiming what they are saying to get people to buy from them. But honestly... the "gurus" wouldn't be called gurus if they didn't know what they were doing.

Now are there some shady people online who will sell you a high priced ebook that doesn't deliver on its promises? Sure. But don't let this discourage you, and don't think that you have to get "revenge". You should be operating in a small niche market anyway if you want to see the sales and profits that you are looking for quickly.

So selling ebooks online can be very profitable for you. Going into a niche market is one of the best things that you can do. Now there are other things that you can do to make your ebook successful... such as good copywriting, endorsements, a lot of information, bonuses, a solid looking website, and etc. But niche marketing can trump all of this, and cause you to experience breakthrough sales on your website.

You have to believe in what you are doing, and you have to study hard. I'm sure you know the stats... 95% of all new online businesses will fail this year, while only 5% will experience success. If you want to be apart of the 5%, you need to be creative with your ebook marketing process.

You may be a good author and have all kinds of skills when it comes to creating products. But if you don't know how to market your ebook online, then you're doomed. So learning internet marketing is something that you will definitely want to do if you want to have the success that you are looking for.

The ebook business is a special business. It offers privileges and benefits that many other forms of businesses don't offer. But you have to put in the work, and be confident in what you are doing. There are a lot of ways to make your ebook sell, and to get lots of targeted traffic to your ebook sales page - so make sure you study up on these ways so that you can make your ebook a well-known product in your niche.

Good luck with selling your ebook online.

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Where to Find Content for Writing Ebooks

Got an idea for writing an ebook, but need more content? This is a familiar scenario for eBook authors. Lets face it. We all want to provide our customers with as much high quality content and value as possible. However, there are times when certain topics need to be addressed in our ebook, but we don't have the expertise in these areas. Today I'm providing two ideas to help you overcome this obstacle. Lets get started with the first idea.

Search Community-Driven Websites

Websites like Yahoo Answers are great places to go if you need to find an answer to a specific questions. I love this site and I've found it to be the ideal place to search for content to use either in advertising campaigns or in my ebooks. This method should, however be used with great caution. Keep in mind that many of the answers given are mere opinions. When using this method, you should do plenty of cross-referencing to validate the content's accuracy. You should also be creative and give the content your own voice.

Find an Expert to Interview

Lets say you're writing an eBook on weight loss. Perhaps you have a lot of knowledge on physical fitness, but you lack knowledge in the area of nutrition. Well, obviously this is a dilemma since weight loss involves proper nutrition. The solution? Find an expert in nutrition to interview. This method is so simple and you'd be surprised how receptive these experts will be to your request. So, getting back to our example, if you need to find an expert in nutrition, contact a local doctor or dietitian in your area and ask for an interview. Before you make the contact, be prepared to tell him or her how long the interview will take and the number of questions you'll be asking. Make this process super easy for the interviewee by offering to provide the questions in advance.

To capture the interview, use software or a recording device. Once recorded, have the audio transcribed into text, then reformat for your ebook.

See how simple it is to find content for your ebook. Now, keep in mind you should be an expert in your niche because you'll probably get a lot of questions over time and you need to provide answers for your customer's questions. However, if you just need more content here and there, these methods should work well for you.

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How to Create Info Products Fast

Most people who began an online business find themselves stuck when trying to create their first info product. They have fantastic ideas, a catchy title in mind and can even visualize all the content. So, what's the problem? Why do so many newcomers get stuck here? I know precisely why. All I need to do is think back several years ago when I started out. I had ideas for multiple ebooks, but I felt so intimidated by the process and to be honest with you, I lacked confidence due to a lack of knowledge.

In this article, my goal is to build your confidence by providing you with necessary knowledge to help you get your information product done. Hopefully, this knowledge will propel you to stop procrastinating and take action today.

Most people tend to procrastinate when they dread doing something. Truth is, the most dreaded aspect of creating info products such as ebooks, is usually writing or typing. My recommendation is don't do it! Why not use a mechanism that is very familiar to you and one that gets a lot of practice on a daily basis? I am referring to speaking. Think about it. Although writing is something we do, it isn't nearly as natural as speaking. I recommend you setup a recording device or use software and simply record the content.

Even if you need or desire a printed version of your product, you can easily transcribe the recording or hire an outsourcing company to do it. The cool thing about recording your product is that it's being done in "real time". An hour of audio content you record would probably take days to write. If you are intimidated by the thought of recording your entire product at one sitting, then don't. Break it up into smaller sessions. Afraid you may not say everything just write? Don't worry about that. Just do your best and don't worry about trying to make it perfect.

If you use the method I just gave you, there's no reason why you couldn't do this in three days. I mean all of it - recording, transcribing and proofreading. If you don't set time restrictions on this goal, then most likely, this process will drag on and on and never be executed.

Once you get that first product created, things get a lot easier. Your confidence will be high and you'll be cranking out info products easily and quickly on a regular basis.

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5 Steps to Writing an Ebook That Sells Like Crazy

When you first start off in writing an eBook, you must remember to let your thoughts flow and bring out the creative genius in you.

Step 1. Identify your hungry market and what they really need. It's crucial that you find out what your target market really want and need and offer a solution to their problem in eBook format.

Step 2. Once you have decided what your target market wants then the next step is to get your ideas flowing on a piece of paper and write down any ideas that come into your head. Decide on what topic you want to write about and list all the benefits that your solution will bring to your customers. These benefits will be explained in depth in each paragraph in your eBook. As benefits hit hot buttons in your customers they will be much more likely to read your book.

Make sure you write your eBook in Microsoft word and then once done convert it into PDF format.

Step 3. Once you have written your eBook, you will need to add a catchy title and will want to add some graphics to make it look more presentable and format the paragraphs, headers and sub headers. Adding colour to your eBook can make it look more attractive and i suggest you get a quality eBook cover done as well.

As regarding the title for your eBook, you will need to include your main keyword in the title.

Step 4. Once you have your eBook finally completed, you will need to have a website of some sort to sell your eBook. Have a domain name with the title of the eBook, so people searching on the internet can see your website when they type in those chosen keywords.

What I suggest you do is a sales letter and use ClickBank as your merchant account. That way affiliates can promote the eBook on your behalf and you can make some sales.

Step 5. Marketing your eBook is the next step of course and there are a number of effective ways to do this. I would start off writing articles and submitting them to the top five article directories online as well as doing viral marketing by putting your eBook on and this will be downloaded many times a day, bringing you in more sales.

Submitting a press release can also be a highly effective way to leverage your time and get exposure to your website and eBook for free. Just find free press release submitting websites and your good to go.

As you can see writing an eBook is actually very straight forward and can get you lots of sales if marketed the right way.Of course you can outsource this writing to others who are more experienced at writing eBooks if you like.

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eBooks to Augmenting Your Online Marketing Campaign for Your Small Business

The other day, I was speaking to a young man who was building up his small online business, as he specializes in physical training, conditioning, and exercising endeavors. We had a dialogue about how to incorporate his writing, online articles, and knowledge into an eBook format to offer or give to his clientele as an incentive, also to promote his business and up his credibility and expert status. You see, he knows what he is good at, what he knows, and everything to do with the topic.

Now then, I do not believe it to be ethical to hype expertise - however, sometimes it makes sense to show what you know. My acquaintance indicated he did wish to put together eBooks but was sketchy on how to do that, or how to distribute them. He asks me two questions, perhaps they have been on your mind as well:

Do you have any tips on how to distribute eBooks? How long do you think an eBook should generally be?

Okay so, my thinking on the eBook thing is two-fold, first, it seems that a simple 20-30 page book with some of his nutrition tips (articles) perhaps expanded, with some real-life stories makes sense. Then give it away for free if people sign up for your online newsletter.

Then a larger eBook 20,000 plus words for sale with the purchase of any services (free) or they can buy it stand alone for $29.95 and maybe you can allow others to sell it too, if they give you half the money or send someone to your secured server, then you give them half the money as a commission. Also list it on Amazon for $10 more, thus establishing a value, but if they buy it NOW it is less, or they get it free if they buy your other services.

Indeed, I would also write an eBook to help people start out, perhaps walking 2-3 miles per day, losing some weight, once they do move them up to a slow jog spurts within their walk, until they can run a mile, then two, then three, etc, and, as the weight comes off they will not screw up their knees etc. My acquaintance might use some other articles in his eBook if they make sense for him, by contacting the authors and promising to cite the source and get permission. In fact, it might help him get to the 20,000 words or assist in getting to 20-30 pages for the free-bee eBook.

Are you beginning to see the strategy here? All you probably need to get started are some eBook templates which you can get from Microsoft if you are using MS WORD at their online free-templates website, or email me and I will send you some that I have to assist. Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

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Writing E-Books That Sell

There are lots of people who can write e-books, but not all of those will actually sell. Putting together a legitimate e-book is easier now thanks to abundance of resources and self-publishing tools available, but making one that people will actually buy is another thing. Perhaps you already know the basics of writing an e-book, but here are some really great tips to make sure that your labor of love will bring you profit:

Know What Readers Want

Before sitting down to work, you should know what your readers want to have from you. As soon as you have determined who your core audience is, take the time to reach out to them and ask for their suggestions. Use your e-mail list for this purpose (if you still don't have an e-mail list, create one before even thinking of doing an e-book). Ask your subscribers what they want to see in an e-book then take it from there. Their suggestions will prove invaluable when you collect materials for writing. There are writers who think they know what their audience wants. Do not assume and just ask so you will know for sure.

Focus on the Benefit Your Readers Will Get

People will buy e-books if they think they can get something out of it. Do not just write about a topic that interests you; make sure that your topic will become beneficial for the audience. How-to topics sell like hotcakes because it gives precisely what the audience wants. Sell a particular need and make sure your e-book delivers. You can ramble on and on about some ideology but still get ignored no matter how good your arguments are. Why? Because they are not interested in your opinion if it does not benefit them, unless you are a really famous person that people will be interested in no matter what you say.

Make It Look Pretty

Your great content may go unnoticed if you don't package your e-book the right way. Let's face it, there are people who place premium importance on appearances. Why risk losing profit for not making your e-book as presentable as you can make it? Don't just convert your Word file into PDF and sell it as it is. Your work will get lost in a sea of e-books that people do not pay attention to. You will have to spend money for a beautiful cover, but trust us, the investment will pay off in the long run.

Hire an Editor

There's nothing like another set of eyes to read your work for corrections. Even if you happen to be a great writer, you still need another person to proofread your work. Why not go all out and get a professional to do it? An editor will cite the necessary changes that you need to do to make your e-book more readable and credible. Don't hesitate paying for the services of an excellent editor. You will definitely get your money's worth.

To maintain your motivation while writing your e-book, think of the profits that you will earn and the credibility you will gain from publishing your work. Do not do things halfway and give this venture your best shot.

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Selling Digital Products - How To Make It Happen

Selling digital products is one of the hottest trends right now on the internet. If you're not familiar with "digital products", let me help you understand what it means. A digital product is simply an intangible product that can be delivered instantly and automatically for you.

There's no driving down to the post offer to ship off a digital product. Once someone buys, they are immediately redirected to a download page where they can download your product. There is no cost or fees to have the product downloaded, and you can make a ton of money in the process.

Plus, you never run out of inventory! Think about what this means. If you owned an offline business (well really, this can be applied to online business also), you have to keep buying product and inventory from a wholesaler or supplier. This can be a tedious process and you may have to hire someone just to do this part of the marketing for you.

But with digital products, it's totally different. You don't need to hire anyone to do the delivery for you, and you never have to buy from a wholesaler or supplier. This is particularly true if you enjoy creating your own product. A good old download page with a product protector will do you just fine.

So what are some examples of digital products? Well, you see them all the time. Common examples are eBooks, videos, MP3 audio's, wallpapers, apps from iTunes, and even membership sites. Many people only are enjoy the joy and comfort of owning their on digital products business, and I'm willing to bet that you would enjoy the lifestyle also.

Now let's talk about marketing for a second. Now just because you create a product, it doesn't automatically mean that you will gain customers. You have to go out there and promote yourself, your website, and your product very efficiently. There is a lot of competition out there, so you have to make it a point to market your products in the best way that you know how.

And there's a lot of ways to get the word out about your products. You can do free marketing, and you can do paid advertising. With free marketing, you can do article marketing, forum marketing, SEO, video marketing, blogging, podcasts, viral marketing, and more.

With paid advertising, you have a lot of options also. You can advertise via PPC (pay per click advertising), high traffic blogs, high traffic websites in your niche, and many other ways that can drive lots of targeted traffic to your website. It's not hard... once you get used to marketing and start seeing results, you will see that the process is incredibly easy.

You can easily create your own digital product in the form of an eBook. Write up a product in Microsoft Word and then convert it into PDF format online (pdfonline). It's a free and easy way to get your product ready for sales. Once you start getting sales, continue to market your business as usual, and keep the profits coming in.

Good luck with selling digital products online.

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How to Write Short Ebooks and Sell Them Profitably

Books not only take time to write, they're also a challenge. Indeed, many prospective authors give up and never write a book, because they lose their inspiration. Short projects, on the other hand, require much less commitment and experience than a full-length book.

Publishing's digital revolution means that a "book" can be any length. A "page" is meaningless in eBook terms.

Many authors have realized that readers love short ebooks. So has Amazon.

Let's look at some of the benefits of writing short ebooks.

You Can Write A Book and Sell It Faster

Speed is everything. With more books available in a shorter time, you'll be making more money. If it takes you six months to write a book, you can write a short eBook in a couple of weeks. If you're a fast writer, you can write a short eBook in a week.

Amazon Has Created "Serials", Which Are Just Short Ebooks

Amazon's well aware that readers like short material. If you've downloaded a book, Amazon knows how long it took you to read it. Amazon also knows that you never finish many of the books you download.

Few readers can read an entire book in one sitting. Amazon knows that many readers read a portion of a book, and never go back to it. In its new Amazon Serials offering, Amazon is telling writers what the research is telling Amazon -- write short ebooks.

If You're Writing Fiction You Can Write Short Stories to Promote Your Novels

Writing a novel is a huge undertaking. If you're a new writer, and don't already have a platform, it's almost impossible to sell a debut novel and make decent money. Yes, you can offer your material for "free", but other authors offer their ebooks for free too.

Offering your book for free does not mean that you'll make sales.

Why not try something different? While you're writing your novel, write some short stories and sell them for minimal amounts. This introduces you to readers. Once you have a readership, even if it's tiny, you're much more likely to be able to sell your novels when they're available.

Your short stories give readers a chance to get to know your work and love it -- they build your platform.

If You're Writing Non-Fiction, You Can Write a Series on a Topic

A nonfiction book contains a lot of material. Chances are that each reader will be interested primarily in a small part of your nonfiction book.

For example, if you're writing a nonfiction book on dieting and weight loss, some of your readers will be more interested in your chapter on exercise than in other portions of your book.

Chances are, they'll buy someone else's book on exercise, rather than buying your diet-focused book just to get the chapter on exercise.

Why not write a short series of ebooks, on the topics you're covering in your more comprehensive book? Readers get a chance to get to know you. You can also start selling your material much sooner than you otherwise would.

In addition, because readers can buy just the sections which appeal to them, you're likely to increase sales.

Short Ebooks Mean Lower Prices, Which Readers Love

Once you're an established writer, who has a platform, you can charge whatever you like for your ebooks.

If you're new writer however, you need to become established. During this period, it's easier to sell ebooks at lower prices. So, write shorter ebooks.

Short ebooks are not only profitable for writers, they're also attractive to readers. Try writing and selling them.

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3 Ninja Secrets To Make Money With Ebooks Revealed

Ebooks are probably one of the most lucrative and versatile types of information products you can create. They are in the written format (.PDF files), but are usually much longer than the special reports. Their length can range from 30 pages all the way up to 300 pages. The most common length of ebooks is about 60 - 100 pages. This gives the reader some really good in depth information on a subject while still being short enough for them to actually read your book all the way through. That is the key. You want the reader to consume your content and benefit from the knowledge you share with them. That way they are more likely to purchase from you again and again.

3 Ways To Monetize Your Ebook:

1. Let's start with the most obvious way to earn income from your ebook after you've created it. That is to simply sell it outright on a website that you own. The most common way to do this is to create a sales page that has sales copy explaining the benefits and why the visitor should purchase your book.

There are many varieties of sales pages, but the most common ones are the long written copy letters, and the newer video sales letters. Video sales letters have been shown to convert much better than the written versions in many cases. However, you must test this for your offer and it will also vary depending on the source of traffic you send to it.

2. The next way to make money with your ebook is to use it for list building and email marketing. In this case you could take your book and use it as a lead magnet or a free gift you give people for subscribing to your email list. You won't necessarily be making money right up front, but the strategy is to get the person on your list and then market to them over and over again. Think of it as more of a long-term income stream. The beauty of this strategy is that once they're on your list, you can just write another book and offer it to them a few days later.

3. You can publish your ebook on This can be extremely lucrative. The best part is that by leveraging the power of Amazon's traffic and marketing you can make money with your ebook for a long time. It does take some up front leg work to get your book formatted for the kindle store, but once you get it up there, you can maker residual royalties from it. More and more people are going digital to get their books and information, and publishing on Amazon and a few other ebook selling sites will prove to be very lucrative.

How an eBook Makes You an Expert in Your Field   

Thinking of Ebook Formatting? Know the Media Devices

Every day I get questions from customers asking about formatting their ebook. This is not unusual as that is what I do, but what is difficult to understand is why they do not understand the medium they are trying to "advertise on."

"I am viewing my book and there aren't any spaces between the paragraphs."

"Why won't my font display. I have it embedded properly."

It all comes down to this... readers (people) will read your eBook on a variety of devices and Apps: and every App and Device will display your book DIFFERENTLY -- every one.

These 'concerns' are valid -- but in the first instance, there were spaces between paragraphs -- just NOT on the App she was using. This was a flaw with the App itself. Additionally, the font was embedded properly; Adobe Digital Editions refused to display it, while Kindle Fire and the iPad were fine.

Know what you are up against

Digital eBooks. Understand the technology you are considering. eReaders vary, and while you may want your book to appear like a printed book on every device, that just isn't possible (yet).

Digital books stem from HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). The latest is HTML5. Not all ereaders or Apps utilize HTML5, so you are having to adjust your layout for various e-readers.


Fixed Layouts. Many Childrens books are fixed layouts. Full page color images with text overlaid. Beautiful on the iPad and Kindle Fire. but this type of format does NOT display on the Kindle. You can only upload ONE file format to Amazon for publishing, so be aware how it will look for BOTH the Fire and basic Kindle.

In Addition IBooks and KIndle have their own twist on the code for fixed layouts -- so you have to create two separate files.

This is just one of the frustrations authors and formatters are up against in the eBook formatting world.

Buy a Device

Amazon is the most prominent source of e-books. So, spend a little $ and get the cheapest reader they have. If you are going to sell your wares you want to be able to see how it looks.

Example: If you were to place a classified ad in a newspaper, you would probably buy a newspaper to make sure it is correct, right? Not a preview of the ad, but the actual ad itself.

TV or Radio? You wouldn't create a radio spot and then not listen to it live on the radio. A lot can happen between the final master tape and the actual airing.

So when you consider publishing in digital form, consider buying an 'actual' e-reader device. It not only will help you become more familiar on how digital devices work but will give you a better understanding of what to expect.

Side Note

I realize that it isn't possible to purchase every e-reader device. And you may think that the reader Apps for your computer or phone would be fine. Well they are... and they aren't.

For Example:

Not ALL e-readers will display embedded fonts Not ALL e-readers will understand the HTML5 or EPUB 3 standards Some Apps fail to display the non breaking space between paragraphs (Kindle for PC). As of today (3/22/2012) only the Kindle Fire is utlizing HTML5 full capabilities: the older Kindles and the Kindle Apps (ie for iPad and iPhone) are lagging behind.)

There is a slew of other issues when comparing e-readers and Reader Apps. Your best bet is to have an actual device and then use Kindle for PC/Mac; Sony or NOOK Reader for PC/Mac, as well as the most recent Kindle Previewer.


Purchase a device of your own and find "friends" or colleagues who would be willing to view your book on their devices.

And above all -- purchase your own book to make sure the product delivered is flawless.

Another Note: what you see in the Kindle Previewer is not "exactly" how it displays on the Kindle Fire, Kinde, or the Kindle APPS -- it's close but not exact.

How an eBook Makes You an Expert in Your Field   

Success Is Subjective When It Comes to EBooking the Author of the Article Explained

Most folks who write books or eBooks want to be successful, but therein lies the problem, what does success mean in this venue? Some folks want to get the word out, or make statement, so they want the most people to read the book or eBook. Still others want to sell the most copies, and some just want to make the most money. Then there is the group of authors who just want to see their name in print, thus, there is a whole industry subsector called; vanity publishing. Got a bunch of recipes, some self-help advice, or want to tell your story - well there you go.

Okay so, the other day I reading an interesting article about how to write a successful eBook which suggested that "success is all what you make of it," or what you decide that to be. Incidentally, I too concur that "successful" is subjective in the eBook arena, in fact today, I was discussing this with a salesman for iUniverse and he enlighten me to the fact that they have 22,000 booksellers they deal with which are using many different formats, each of whom needs the eBook manuscripts submitted in their preferred format.

Yes, different formats, and since iUniverse was able to cater to all these formats and was capable of crossing those differences, which is somewhat a different theory than their competition or the contract company working for Amazon, again, I have not verified that but imagine that some of iUniverse's clients purposely using different formats because they want to differentiate and avoid Amazon's competition, offering unique titles that Amazon doesn't carry.

Thus, I found that interesting and that the salesman's definition of success was using a format that could be read by anyone across all types of eReaders but also for print-on-demand retailers which is common now, eBooking is an interesting topic and success in this venue equally so. Indeed, I hadn't really considered that aspect until I had read the article explaining how author's deem their works to be successful - or not, based on their needs, wants, and desires.

Therefore, let me ask my reader something; what do you believe would make you happy or feel successful with your eBook? Perhaps you better think about that before you spend the time to write it, hire a service to market it, or decide how you wish to sell that eBook, as it could very well make the difference in that ellusive feeling of success once you publish it. Please consider all this and think on it.

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